
SWCDs, or Districts, are local units of government that manage and direct natural resource management programs at the local level. Indiana has 92 Districts – one for each county. They work closely with other forms of local, regional, and state government, private nonprofits, and educational institutions to provide a high level of conservation service to private landowners. They work to promote the wise use, development, and conservation of our state’s soil, water, and related resources in ways that are relevant to their unique localities.

Districts are a part of the Indiana Code and their powers come from District Law.

Districts fill a unique and crucial role in conservation and stewardship: that of providing soil and water conservation expertise and services to private landowners. Ninety-six percent of Indiana’s land is privately owned. Land use varies from agriculture, productive forests, bodies of water, and urban or industrial use. Regardless of ownership, all lands are interconnected. Responsible and wise management of these private lands is key to Hoosiers’ quality of life.

Indiana Districts are closely tied to their communities and are governed by a board of local representatives, called “Supervisors,” who value land stewardship, soil health, and water quality. They also rely on the enthusiasm and involvement of over 450 volunteer conservationists statewide. Hoosiers have trusted their local Districts for over 70 years.

  • SWCDs are subdivisions of state government under the Indiana State Department of Agriculture Division of Soil Conservation.
  • They receive funding from a variety of sources, primarily Clean Water Indiana. You can view the amount and sources of conservation funding in each Indiana county.
  • Districts in each county are led by a 5-member board of supervisors, 3 elected and 2 appointed positions. SWCDs determine and address natural resource needs in their counties. In this way, they work closely with local landowners and residents.
  • Indiana’s 92 SWCDs fund and provide leadership for IASWCD, their state association. Incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 1968, the IASWCD operates from Indianapolis. It provides legislative leadership, and fundraising, development, and training opportunities to its districts.

Brown County SWCD Mission, Purpose, and Vision Statement

Our mission is to provide leadership and partner with Brown County residents and interested environmental groups on management of our land and water resources. Also the district will assist in educating and providing options for stewardship and conservation.

Our purpose is to connect Brown County residents with the value and safekeeping of our natural resources.

Our vision is for Brown County residents to understand and practice sound conservation.

Brown County Soil and Water Conservation District Business Plan

District Manager, Katie Starr

Educator, vacant

Board of Supervisors

Scott Stephenson, Chairperson

Amanda Perkins, Vice Chairperson

Jim Allen

Sara True

Laura Young

Associate Supervisors

Alice Lorenz

Bonnie Closey

NRCS District Conservationist

Cara Bergschneider: 812-778-9950